App Behaviour ============= Scale To Fit ------------ When an item is targeted (centered), the photo size is determined by these variables: * **constraint**: Maximum constraint applied to each item width and height * **fitRatio**: Fit ratio applied to a center front item * **scaleToFit**: Control the item scaling behaviour when it is brought to center front. Possible value: "always", "none", "smart". .. Note:: All items are firstly constrainted to a maximum width and height specified by *constraint* variable. The app will then try a best fit scaling applied to the targeted item so its dimension will match the app dimension. *fitRatio* will then be applied, usually it will scale down the targeted item, revealing other user interface. *scaleToFit* will affect the app scaling behaviour: "none" completely disables scaling when item keeps its constraints width/height. "always" applies scaling everytime. "smart" only applies scaling if the item dimension is larger than app dimension.