============== Configurations ============== Look and feel ------------- Parameters that affect the overall look and feel of the gallery .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Default - Description * - minDistance - Number - 500 - Closest z position an item can occupy * - maxDistance - Number - 4000 - Furthest z position an item can occupy * - viewAngle - Number - -0.25 - Camera view angle, controls how direct or sideway the eye views the gallery * - flipAngle - Number - -45 - Controls the flipping degree of an item from floating state to center state * - rotationAngle - Number - 0 - Maximum rotation degrees of an item around its local z axis * - speed - Number - 3 - Gallery scrolling speed * - maxSpeed - Number - 40 - Maximum scrolling speed * - constraint - Number - 600 - Maximum constraint applied to each item width and height * - friction - Number - 0.1 - Negative acceleration applied to scrolling speed per time differential * - fitRatio - Number - 0.85 - Fit ratio applied to a center front item * - scaleToFit - String - "smart" - Control the item scaling behaviour when it is brought to center front. Possible value: "always", "none", "smart". * - orientation - String - "horizontal" - Photo flow direction * - keepFloating - Boolean - true - When an item is brought to center front, control the floating state of remaining items * - boxThickness - Number - -1 - The thicknes of each 3D box using the photo item as its texture. -1 value disable box thickness * - categoryMenu - Object - {horizontal:false} - Configuration for CategoryMenu, wherether to use horizontal or vertical mode * - force2d - Boolean - false - Auto use 2d gallery mode Animation ---------- Common variables used in tweening engine .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Default - Description * - easing - String - 'easeOutQuad' - animejs easing equation * - duration - Number - 800 - animejs tweening duration Interaction ----------- Options to customize app interactions including mouse and keyboard .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Default - Description * - useMouseDrag - Boolean - false - Enable or disable mouse dragging (disabled on mobile devices) * - mouseDragSpeed - Number - 0.05 - Mouse dragging speed * - useKeyboard - Boolean - true - Enable or disable keyboard Gallery2d --------- Gallery2d fallback options .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Default - Description * - distance - Number - 200 - Distance between each item * - borderStyle - String - '6px solid white' - CSS border style applied to each item * - minScale - Number - 0.5 - Minimum scale factor * - maxScale - Number - 1 - Maximum scale factor * - loop - Boolean - false - Looping control, use with next and prev API methods * - rangeCount - Number - 3 - Number of items around center item that will be affect by scale factor * - easing - String - 'easeOutQuad' - animejs easing equation * - duration - Number - 2000 - animejs tweening duration * - roundCorner - Number - 8 - CSS border-radius applied to each item * - circleShape - Boolean - false - CSS border-radius = 50% * - itemShadow - String - '0px 10px 15px 5px #222' - CSS box-shadow property applied to each item * - responsive - Object - {XS:0.7, SM:0.75, MD:0.85, LG:1, XL:1} - The responsive parameters, a scale factor will be applied to the gallery depending on current screen size Components ---------- Additional components setup with 1 as ItemTitle, 2 as ItemDescription .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Default - Description * - components - Array - [1, 2] - Specify extra components to be used with the main gallery, possible values: [], [1], [2], [1, 2] Miscellaneous ------------- Other configurations .. list-table:: :widths: 25 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Default - Description * - useFullscreen - Boolean - true - Enable or disable fullscreen feature * - origins - Array - [50, 50] - Gallery origins in percentage