Build Tasks

The following build tasks are available for development and production. In the terminal, type grunt {taskname} to execute the task

  • default:

    Default Grunt tasks, this will launch “http-server” and “watch” tasks

  • dist

    Create distrubitions, including mifnied CSS and Javascript files

  • examples

    Compile, copy and assemble example file list

  • http-server

    Launch a http server in the background for local testing

  • compass

    Compile SCSS files to CSS files

  • pug

    Compile pug templates to html files

  • watch

    Watch for changes in sass and pug folders and auto compile them

  • cssmin

    Minified application css file, exported in dist folder (sg3d.min.css and sg3d.light.min.css)

  • clean

    Various targets to cleanup the project before rebuilding

  • copy

    Copy assets, css and js files from test folder to build examples and dist files

  • requirejs:

    Build, compile and minify sg3d.min.js, exported in dist folder

  • compress:

    Compressed distributed minified script sg3d.min.js into GZIP format, produce sg3d.min.gz.js