1. Components

Optionally pick the component to be used in the app. They are ItemTitle and ItemDescription components, specify the variable like so:
Option Value Description
components [] Disable all components
components [1, 2] ItemTitle and ItemDescription
components [1] ItemTitle
components [2] ItemDescription

2. Controls

The application supports mouse and keyboard interactivity. When a photo is at center front, press Next and Previous arrows will switch to the next and previous photo item, press Esc bring the gallery back to floating mode. On mobile device it responds to common touch events. A special drag mode enable the user to quickly drag and release the mouse to acclerate scrolling speed.
Option Default Description
useMouseDrag false Enable or disable mouse dragging
useKeyboard true Enable or disable keyboard
mouseDragSpeed 0.05 Mouse dragging speed

3. Animation

anime.js is used as the core tweening engine. The application exposes two most common tweening variables "easing" and "duration", further customization and development can be implemented by tweaking the source code. To adjust scrolling speed, maximum speed and friction modify the corresponding variables.
Option Default Description
easing 'easeOutQuad' animejs easing equation
duration 800 animejs tweening duration
speed 3 Gallery scrolling speed
maxSpeed 40 Maximum scrolling speed
friction 0.1 Negative acceleration applied to scrolling speed per time differential

4. Look and feel

A default dark theme and light theme are provided in download package. Simply pick ".light.css" for light theme or ".css" for dark theme to use in your project. Our development environment implements SASS and Compass framework to modularize the code base into visual related sections.

5. Gallery Forms

Two forms are available out of the box: horizontal and vertical. Other options also effect the item distribution and gallery design.
Option Default Description
minDistance 500 Closest z position an item can occupy
maxDistance 4000 Furthest z position an item can occupy
rotationAngle 40 Maximum rotation degrees of an item around its local z axis
viewAngle -0.25 Camera view angle, controls how direct or sideway the eye views the gallery
flipAngle -45 Controls the flipping degree of an item from floating state to center state